Sunday, February 8, 2015

Writing In 2015: February and Writing

A new month offers its own challenges. So far, February has been about me getting on a writing streak and sticking with it. I've not missed a day. There is this aspect that is me trying to form the habit again and making the fun part about me just keeping at it, making time for the writing in sometimes very busy days.

There is discipline involved. There is the hope that I can keep things fun while practicing my craft at intervals that might make a real difference on the quality of my work. Right now, I'm working on a longer piece--one that might turn out as a novella or a novel depending on how it comes to me.

I've been been intrigued by the novella again. I've not made much of an effort to acquaint myself with the novella in awhile. I've written two--both of which will be showing up in paperback this year.  The length is appealing as well as the leanness and focus of the structure. There is the possibility that I'll do a few novellas.

Along with the novella, there is the--yes, I can say it--the need to write more short stories. All of the stories I've written thus far are in the process of being published as ebook singles. So far I've written around forty of them and have a notion of writing forty more. If it proves true, I'll likely be submitting them to the markets upon completion, letting them run the reject slip gamut before they end up published as ebook singles too.

There is much I could speak on in more detail, but I've chosen broader brush strokes to this update post. I'm not sure who's reading these posts. Maybe that doesn't matter. The point is that I like using this mode of expression. I'll use it some more. Stay tuned folks because I'll be revealing releases on a couple of novels very soon.

Yes, this is going to be a very big year of publications and reaching new heights with my writing.


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