Well, January is basically over. I'm getting in the mode to review things a bit. Though I've made progress over all with staying in focus and getting work done, there is still room from improvement. My publishing company won the war of time this month. All told, we got five products out to readers and have every intention of getting five more out in February. I'm being very proactive as a publisher.
Writing, the focus above all else on this blog and in my writing life, went okay, but there were still several gaps in the flow where I just didn't get new words down. I have to work on that part going into February. I will do better. Just have to remember the maxim about having fun with it and not stressing out over what I can't control.
This whole year is about finding more balance in my life and making sure that writing and publishing get a share of the pie. I'll be exploring that process, as I said before, and that'll sure been fun all in itself.
One of my big focuses in the writing going forward is developing my skills with short fiction. That being said, I'm currently working on what I believe is a novel so there has to be room for some play concerning the project workload.
Short stories are intriguing to me. I've written several--some of which are available electronically--and I enjoy putting them together. It's a challenge for me. Short of announcing a formal challenge with a number I need to hit by year's end, I'll say that I do plan to do a lot of short fiction writing.
I have four novel started and am piecing on them when I can and hope to finish them all this year too.
I'm going to keep myself busy and do my best to get a lot good stories out to my readers.
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