Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Update: Refocusing This Site And My Hopes For The Year Revisited

It's not been that long since my last update, but I think a lot has been going on here - at least behind the scenes - and warranted a check in. I'm about through February and I've been making progress on the goals I initially set. However, I know that goals must sometimes be evaluated and revised according to what's happening on the ground.

In this writer's case, it is about what I want to accomplish in 2012, first and foremost. The point to remember, though, is that one must have a set of priorities for managing those goals as well. I need to look again at what I said I want and then decide whether or not I still want the same things. I'm sure I will be doing that a few more times this year as the projects progress and as I accomplish the goals I set for myself.


I am really trying to refocus this site. Over the years, it has had different ones and I've used it for various purposes. A a result the "voice" of the blog has also changed from time to time. When I was trying to make this a hub of my freelance web writing business, it was more about creating informative articles as a way to showcase my skills. It was a glorified portfolio sometimes - even though I had my portfolio available for viewing too. I've changed things lately to reflect the fact that I am venturing more and more in publishing my work through Founders House Publishing (the business I started in 2009) and more recently my forays into fiction writing. I've been happy to do it because I've been wanting to do it for years.

My website is about my writing and my aspirations going forward. This is a hallmark year for that alone. I've been blogging here since 2008, though not always consistently. I've had to deal with the fact that there were still so many aspects of the writing business had little information or experience, and I could not hope to position myself as an "expert" until I put in the time.

I've been writing a lot of books lately. Still am in fact, though I am at a point where the income is ebbing. I hate being here so I've been working to get out of it and stay out. After so many years spent writing nonfiction articles and the like for other people, predominantly for no credit at all, I have had enough of that. I'm here to write stories. I've been sharing some of them with you.

Free Fiction Friday And More

I've been enjoying this particular challenge. I've set out to get fifty new stories up by the end of the year. It think it's still possible to do it, but I won't lie and say I've been thinking about suspending the challenge. Still, I haven't yet and I hope that those who happen by to read come back every Friday. It's one of the new additional that I really like. It's like a mark of progress down the new road I'm trying to tread.

I can't say that I've adhered strictly to a new story a week format, but I've had the chance to go back and finish ones that were just waiting to see the light of day. These short stories run a certain gamut of genres and flavors. They sort of represent some directions I will be going in later as I start to build my list of novels and longer fiction.

2012 is primed to become my own "Year Of The Novel," though I have to wonder how accurate that moniker is since I've already published two nonfiction books and have two more slated to appear in the coming months. Now this isn't to say I'm throwing the towel in. Nope, I have plans to write several novels this year. But first things first. I have a book that I've been trying to finish for more than a decade and it's finally coming out into the light. Finally.

If I can say anything about my writing journey, I can say that it really started back when  I started writing that book. Let me tell you that this is a big relief. Keep your eyes out for that book and more.

Coming Up

To close this update, I will say that I have some other posts that will be coming up soon. I want to talk about my goals again and maybe reflect a little on goals as a whole. I'm sure some of you who aren't writers, aspiring writers, and pros will find something in a discussion of that subject.

Thanks for stopping in.

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