Thursday, December 31, 2009

Freelance Writing In 2010: What's In The Works

The end is near.

Well, not the end of the world, but at least the end of another year.  We're on the cusp of 2010.  In just a few short hours, like me, many of you will be involved New Year's Eve festivities in some form or another.  Enjoy that time.

At the same time, you probably have a project to work on over the holiday.  At least, I know that I do.  What this last minute assignment has done for me is remind me again that there are going to be things that I want to change about this coming year: goals to set, plans to organize, and tasks to perform.  The keyword is organization.

I'm writing the final post of the year with some ideas in mind for what I would like to see accomplished in 2010, where it touches upon my freelance writing business. This is not my version of New Year's resolutions. I'm not really sure if setting these sort of nebulous things free really makes a difference.  It is genuine planning and goal-setting that will bring the results.  (There's a great post I read that introduces a good system for getting things done.)

What do I want to do in 2010?

I would like to add more great content to  That is an important goal.  Connected to this process, is planning out posts and establishing a regular posting schedule.  I will be continuing to tweak this site.  I've recently added RSS feed links and the like for those who would like to follow along on my journey.

While I will be writing on freelance writing and freelance ghostwriting, I will also be touching upon other aspects of writing that important to me.  I will try to have something for everyone, no matter what type of writing they may be involved in.

My publishing company, Founders House Publishing, is nearly ready to release its first book.  That's some exciting news, in itself.  For me, this first publication is just the starting point for what I hope will be a great year for my fledgling operation.

Freelancing decisions

My freelance writing choices will be based more on what I choose rather than what is handed to me by the groups I am already a part of.  Freelancing that way is fine, but it is hardly as satisfying as landing gigs that give you the face credit you may be craving.

Freelancing in 2010 for me is about making more money doing the kind of writing I love to do.  It is about taking the options that are already out there and taking hold of them for my own profit and creative gain.  Yes, creative is the word.  Freelancing for me is going to be more about creativity than it was in 2009 and in the past few years.  I am ready to take a place among those who create content that has greater value.  I'm also ready to make this a vehicle that helps me in all of my other endeavors as an entrepreneur.

That word, entrepreneur, is one that I've not used much to describe myself so far, but it is what I'm becoming.    Freelancing in 2010 will be about writing and getting the kind of work that will only help my business grow and facilitate the growth of other business endeavors I'm planning.

For now, I'll be writing more frequently on this site.  I want this site to get noticed.  If you happen upon or read this post, please let me know by commenting.  I appreciate your comments.

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