Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Brief Step

Today, I made some changes to the blog template. I'm not sure If I will leave them as they are, but it is a start. My goal is to make regular updates and them begin developing this webspace in a number of ways that will be outlined in the coming weeks.

One of the first priorities is to get together more information about SCK Freelancing, my writing business. I believe there are some necessary steps to move this all forward in a positve and more professional direction and use the business as a tool to open up more writing opportunities and expand my areas of expertise. I would also say here that I want to make this a place to communicate with writers, editors, and other industry professionals, as well as those aspiring writers that I share much common ground.

Again, this is an important work in progress. I have many ideas I would like to try out here. That's all for now.

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