Friday, February 15, 2019

Free Fiction Friday: Inheritance

Lord Calder, a nobleman of the beleaguered kingdom Dunmorda, is drawn into a religious controversy by the enigmatic young woman Mira. Standing before a high tribunal to defend the aberrant teachings of Mira and her order, the Ladies of Mourdan, Calder tries to protect. In his way are radical elements in the government including fellow Entitled Lords, Jerras and Nothma. With an escalating war and a missing king shaking the foundations of Dunmorda, Calder pays a deep cost to become a messenger of hope and retribution.

“Inheritance,” by Shaun Kilgore, is free on this website for one week only. The story is also available as an ebook here

This story was free for one week only. If you missed this one, click on the link above. Look around, you should be able to find another free story. Enjoy.

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