Saturday, May 23, 2015

Writing In 2015: A May Update

Just about time to give a bit of an update on what's going on. Basically, I've not written much and I've been mostly okay with it. Most recently, I've been working on a short story. I've put aside a lot of works-in-progress and I might got back to them later.

I have in mind a return to series I've already started. I mentioned this before but was kind of waffling on the idea. Now, I'm giving it more serious thought. Since I've been at this I have started three series. My first novel, Cries Of The Faithless, was mentioned as the first book (though I'm thinking I may not return to that world), then there was my second full-length novel, A Kingdom Of Shadows. That is one I'm interested in finishing since I keep thinking about how I left everybody. My third series, is the continuation of the story I started in, The Darkness Of The Deep. They are all set in different worlds. I started unpacking them but went on without finishing.

I could also add Stormborn's Debt to this growing list. The first book, my most recent publication, is definitely episodic in my mind. It was an exploration of the concept and I want to go back into that world and share more of the hero's adventures.

So, I could say this is all the beginning of a near-term strategy for my work. A quartet of sequels could be in the making. All for advancing different stories in different series. Sort of crazy, but I'm certainly not shocked. I'm silly that way.

What Else Is Going On?

Yeah, so this is an update. Since that is the case, I should also mention that my novel, Killer Of Dragons, a standalone, will be coming out very soon, probably early in June when all is said and done. Also, the plan is to finally get a paperback of The Darkness Of The Deep out so that'll be announced soon as well.

Aside from all this, I've been reading a few ebooks that came as part of a bundle. Craft and business books mostly. I'm constantly studying the publishing business and trying to learn what I can about my writing craft, so reading quality books by folks that know both helps tremendously.

All in all, things are simmering for now. I'll let everyone know more when I can. For now, I will just keep on keeping on. Later.

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